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Leadership Board Minutes - October 17, 2023


PRESENT:  Pastor Matt Seaton, Maury Early, David Sandridge, Andrea Zimmerman, Carolyn Ball, Sue Lewis, Victoria Hamilton, Juliana Piacentini, Willow Drinkwater, Sandy Staggers

OPENING:  Andrea opened the meeting with prayer.


  1. Highlights in the last month-

  1.  Laity Sunday went very well.

  2. Maury reports that Carol sends greetings from SMJH

  3. It is good to have fellowship in the Aldersgate room again

  4. Matt reports forum has been meaningful in the last 5-6 weeks.  The book Unafraid they are using is available to others.  

  5. Sue notes the “shortcut” walkway to the Education Building was improved by Carolyn

  1.  Charge conference-

  1.  Pastor Matt, Sherry Lambert, Sue Lewis, David Sandridge, and Juliana plan to attend.  Charge conference is October 22 at 4 pm at First UMC.  Its purpose is for the DS to hear what each church is doing.  It is the most important meeting of the year for the church, and churches are to carry out what is decided at charge conference.  Sue is awaiting a return call from the DS about finalizing the salary for the pastor.  Sue also notes we have not received notice of the apportionment total that we will need to pay for 2024.  

  2. David reports we have paid $9700 of our apportionments to the conference, and $1770 to the district.  We budgeted to pay $36000 to the conference and $660 to the district.  David suggested that we take $25000 from the unrestricted/unearmarked funds to pay our apportionments at this time.  After discussion Carolyn made a motion to do so, and Maury seconded the motion.  The board approved this motion.

  1. Interim position-there are no applicants at this time.  Discussion followed about the role of the interim person and possible individuals who could be considered.   It is noted it may be a positive for the budget that the position is open.   However, it is important to provide programming for the children.  David will oversee snacks for the children’s Sunday school time.  

  2. 2024 Mission Grant Application-topic deferred to next meeting in Aiden’s absence.

  3. Building Use Policy-Sue

Sue has the “old” building use policy and has reviewed it.  It needs updated as there are many requests to use our space, and also to protect the church in case of an untoward event.  Sue will write a draft of the building use policy and send it out.  

  1. Stewardship campaign-Pastor Matt submitted a written report.  There was no discussion.


  1. Carolyn will write up a brief announcement for the bulletin regarding use and location of the AED. 

  2. Electrician update-Carolyn and Victoria have been working with American Electrical Solutions Inc  on a proposal for an electrical maintenance program.  The boiler inspector has recommended this program for the last 4 years, and it is also needed by the company that insures the church. The electrical maintenance plan will cost $4800.  Carolyn made a motion and Sandy seconded to accept the proposal from American Electrical Solutions, and to take the money from the capital fund.  The board approved this motion.

  3.  Carolyn and Victoria have also been working with American Electrical Solutions on a proposal to replace lights in the fellowship hall.  Victoria reports the lights have been purchased.  Carolyn will verify the final dollar amount with American Electrical Solutions.  This money will also come from capital funds.  

  4. HVAC update-discussion was deferred as Carolyn reports she needs to contact REBoggs again.

  5. Parking lot sealing-Victoria notes there are tree roots in the parking lot that need to be addressed prior to sealing the lot.  Carolyn notes that if a tree company is engaged, we should have the health of all trees on the property evaluated.  Victoria will look into tree companies.

  6. The church kitchen is certified for Maria to use as a vendor for the specific markets she attends.  The refridgerator still needs to be unboxed and evaluated as to whether it works.  

  7. Garden update-Willow reports the trans group has volunteered to help clean up the gardens.  We will give Maria until November 1 to complete the harvest.  

  8. New stoves/ovens for the kitchen-discussion deferred.  


  1. Matt reports that the oldest person associated with Wesley is Eva Page.  Ms Page is 102 years old and is entering hospice soon.  It is noted she has lived independently until recently.  She has a daughter named Joyce Brant.

  2. Sue is moving at the end of October and could use assistance with packing and moving.

  3. The choir has a new student member.  

  4. Wesley has 5 people who will join as new members on October 29.  There is also a baptism in November.  

  5. It is noted that the Thanksgiving meal on November 19 will have a catered main course.  The congregation will provide the sides and dessert.

APPROVAL OF REPORT PACKET:  the board approved the report packet without changes.  

CLOSING:  Carolyn closed the meeting with prayer.

Note-minutes as presented follow the outline set in the agenda, and are not necessarily in exact chronological order of discussions.

NEXT MEETING is November 21, 7-8:30 pm.

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