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Leadership Board Minutes - August 22, 2023

Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church

PRESENT: Pastor Matt Seaton, Willow Drinkwater, David Sandridge, Andrea Zimmerman, John Olsson, Maury Early, Sue Lewis, Aidan Workman, Carolyn Ball, Victoria Hamilton, Rocky Shoemaker, Sandy Staggers

OPENING: Willow opened the meeting with a meditation and prayer.


  1. Andrea opened discussion with a question of positive things at church, and what we are celebrating this month. The following were discussed:

  2. Maria is getting closer to obtaining her driver’s license

  3. Football parking money is beginning to come in

  4. Fellowship after worship has begun again

  5. Many new faces are present at worship

  6. We now have an acolyte

  7. Leadership-the leadership group has the responsibility to listen to the congregation and to determine what they want or need from this group. To that end, there will be a Town Hall meeting on September 17, 2023 after worship. This will be held in the Aldersgate room. It is planned to update the congregation on our plans for family ministries, and on Maria’s status. Time will be allowed for a question and answer period from the congregation.

  8. Family ministries and staffing update-Pastor Matt

  9. Rosie has resigned her position and her last date is August 31, 2023. She has turned over all documents, schedules, etc to Pastor Matt

  10. Options for children during worship-

  11. Continue to have 2 paid workers to stay with children during worship without any programming

  12. Pastor Matt has discussed an interim plan with Devon. Devon is aware of a few students who might be willing to teach/develop programming for children during worship. A student could work 4 hours per week and manage the nursery workers and volunteers in addition to planning/teaching programs. It is noted that UVA students will be gone in early December.

After discussion, Carolyn moved that leadership authorize Pastor Matt to start a search for a student to function in this role. The church will pay this person $150 per week and use money designated for Rosie’s position for payment. John seconded the motion and the motion was approved.

  1. A sustainable family ministry program will need a long term plan. In hiring a new permanent person, we could consider having the person visit other similar churches for ideas. The leadership group should think about how family ministries could work, and discussion will take place at the Town Hall meeting.

  2. The church will have a farewell for Rosie on September 10. There will be a love offering collected which will be presented to her at that time. Sue will get a card for the congregation to sign.

  3. Advent and Christmas Eve services-Andrea

  4. December 24 is a Sunday, and is both the 4th Sunday in Advent and Christmas Eve. Pastor Matt plans for the 11 am service to be planned as the 4th Sunday in Advent. After discussion, it is planned to have a Christmas Eve Service at 4:30 pm.

  5. Upcoming Date-Andrea

  6. Charge conference will be held on October 22 at 4pm at First UMC. Nominations will need to be completed by October 17. It is requested that all working groups work on their budgets for next year and submit them as soon as possible.


  1. Carolyn reports that A and J HVAC which placed the new system at Maria’s house, has presented a proposal to gradually phase out the use of natural gas in the church. She is awaiting a second proposal from RE Boggs. Leadership will likely vote on which proposal to accept by email. It was suggested that we budget for this gradual transition.

  2. Finance-David

  3. Removal of the tree downed in the storm in August cost $3500. After discussion, the board approved using money from the Emergency Fund for this. It is noted the Emergency Fund began with $90,000 and about $11,000 was used earlier this year for apportionments.

  4. The washer in the parsonage had to be replaced and the cost was $750. After discussion, the board approved the use of funds which were donated by the congregation to buy furniture for the parsonage.

  5. Discussion followed about the need for a point person to manage trustee issues. Traditionally we have had a trustees committee for this but with the new administrative structure, the entire leadership council has responsibility for trustee issues. Carolyn reports that her term as a trustee will end in December. A working group for maintenance issues could be formed to manage these issues. Discussion was tabled for the next meeting.

  6. Andrea noted that we need to develop an updated policy for the use of the buildings, and an updated parking policy for people who are paying to park in our lot. This was also tabled.


  1. It was noted that Carolyn Walker has returned to her home at Our Lady of Peace.

  2. Discussion followed on how best to check in on members who have not been coming to worship for awhile, and on how best to welcome new people. It was noted that inviting new people to fellowship may help them meet people.


  1. The reports packet was approved by the board without discussion.

CLOSING-Andrea closed the meeting with a prayer.

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