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Council Minutes

Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church Council Minutes

December 15, 2020 at 7pm (held via Zoom web/video/telephone conference)

Attending: Rev. Heaton, Carolyn Ball, Rick Hamilton, Sherry Lambert, David Sandridge, Andrea Zimmerman, Matt Zimmerman, Juliana Piacentini, Sue Lewis, Rev. Woodson, Wayne Malbon

1. Opening

a. Rev. Heaton led devotional time.

2. Approval of minutes

a. Carolyn moved to approve the minutes. Sue seconded. All voted in favor.

3. Finance/Treasurer’s report

a. Drawdown of Vision fund. Maria’s fund is doing well. Money available for food bank; send to Emergency Food Network or Blue Ridge Food Bank. Paid Wesley Foundation pledge and District priority. We sent money apportionments. $11872 left for priority 1. $14-15K net income currently, some bills still need to be

paid this month. David recommends seeing where we stand at the end of December for the bills yet to be paid.

b. Matt motioned “It is our intention that our priority 1 apportionments be paid in full. If regular funds cannot fully cover the remaining amount, we will use the carryover fund.” Sue seconded. All voted in favor.

4. Trustees

a. Carolyn: Facilitated payment to the tenants of Starnes (the Willeys) for their expenditures for a new

refrigerator, plumbing repairs and lawnmower which had accumulated over the past several months -

reminded the tenants to get approval for all major expenditures. Will be meeting today with Lynch Roofing

on the roof work (not using Mowrer as indicated last month; still pending as of today). Stump removal by

Hughes still pending. Heat in the accompaniment room is working now. Meeting with Groundhog to have

the A room thoroughly cleaned regularly and go over those tasks.

b. Roger: Dealt with heating issues in the main church building by changing the automatic setting to heat

and increasing to 66 to take the chill off; found to be still not heating, contacted Martin-Horn who

discovered that the boiler was not functioning properly. Boiler came on line, and the system was set at 66,

then back to 60 on advice of the organist. Is checking out the lack of heat in the Accompaniment (Sunday

Forum) room in the Education building.

c. Sue: Retaining wall repair on hold while new bricks on order - will get invoice as soon as work is done.

Awaiting schedule from Central Elevator for inspection; Chancellor Street PreSchool informed us of plans

for in-person classes starting on Feb. 1 - their Covid-19 protocols were acceptable to the Healthy Church


5. SPR

a. Completed 3 staff reviews for Rosie, Monica, and Cameron. Provided positive feedback and staff set goals for next year. Scheduled to meet with Linda tomorrow night.

b. The pastoral preference form is due January 13, 2021.

6. Healthy Church Team Update

a. HCT met regarding revised policies (Nov 23) for Chris, Ateam, PACEM, and preschool (Feb 1).

b. Pastors suspended curbside communion services and other in person gatherings at church.

c. Matt and Sue will make lists and inventory supplies and communicate items to purchase to Monica.

7. Nurture report

a. Signs are put on hold with the suspension of in person services. Rocky will be on Council in 2021 for the Nurture group.

8. Witness report

a. Juliana is the chair for Witness in 2021. Juliana will also help with social media in the new year.

9. Outreach ministries

a. Andrea will reach out to Maury to confirm whether the PACEM women will be at Wesley or Congregation Beth Israel.

b. Carolyn has been in touch with Liz and organization and housing options for Chris and has an application for The Crossings and Piedmont Housing Alliance new apartment building off of Carlton for 60+. PHA would be something he would need additional support to live there.

c. Rosie set up an appointment for pastors to meet with Maria’s attorney.

10. Minister’s report

a. Made the hard decision to suspend in person services when cases increased significantly.

b. Pastors would like to shift gears again and what the next phase may look like. Soliciting thoughts, prayer, creative ideas.

11. Close, Rev. Heaton closing prayer

a. next meeting January 19, 2021 at 7:00 pm

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